
Here is where I need to establish my dreams and run it through the Life Architecture system. This will be a rough 5 year plan I'm establishing. Make sure you have read through the Life Architecture folder before proceeding please.

This will not be perfect and that is okay. Dreams may overlap and that is also okay; maybe ideal even.

Dream 1 - Be a Renaissance Man

One of the few things I remember from my high school World History class was the concept of "renaissance man." "Polymath" is another loosely-related word. In some internet circles you may call it the ambiguous "high value man."

I like how The Manual defines it:

a Renaissance man is a person with genuine competence in and understanding of multiple different fields, all of which complement one another to make him a more talented and productive person.

It is more than being a jack-of-all-trades or something vague like "the best version of myself." Instead I want a complex network of skills and accomplishments that build and feed upon each other. Definitely a lot of So Good They Can't Ignore You energy in this Dream.

I also want to be seen as a little mad and bring some dark horse energy. Already in my short life some of my interests have garnered reactions like: "why would you want to do that?" That is a good tuning fork of skills I should approach. While unproven, I suspect those rare and bizarre skills may turn out to be way more valuable than anything else.

Dream 2 - Be a Blessing

With my vast skillset as a Renaissance man I want to be able to leverage that and provide value to everyone. Friends, family, strangers, all should be able to benefit from my existence.

Within this as well is the desire to help humanity. If I can just move the needle 1% I will have done something significant. This is likely unattainable, I know, but worth shooting for.

Dream 3 - Be Free

Maybe the hardest dream of all to nail down and one I have had since I was a kid. Sometimes I grapple with the childish nature of this dream. I want to be able to do the things I want to do. You could chalk this up to "be successful."

That seems like such a "duh" kind of dream. However everyone says they want to "be free" and then make decisions that inhibit those freedoms. Obvious examples include accepting jobs that take up all their free time. Another would be even having children.

Freedom has to be earned. Everything wants your time and energy. There is a delicate balancing of keeping the freedom-thieves away and not completely dipping into hedonism.

Dream 4 - Attain the Philosopher's Stone (Beauty)

Jung has this idea of the Philosopher's Stone as an internal state. Most people are in the Blackening (void) state. By going through Whitening they make the unconscious conscious and thus purify their Blackened minds. Once 100% purified the mind attains the Red state: the Philosopher's Stone.

We've all been granted a spark of life. This crumb of divinity can be cultivated and be beautiful. I want to be beautiful. Beauty is so much more than an aesthetic. It is the closest thing to God we can see on Earth.

Disclaimer: all content is the opinion of Grey Alexander. Opinions shared are not representative of his employer, associated non-profits, or any organization affiliated with Grey Alexander.