The Coordinate

Intersecting Science and Religion for the Glory of Mankind

I wrote this several years ago for reasons lost to the sands of time. It isn't meant to be fiction or non-fiction. It isn't meant to be taken seriously. I remember I was thinking a lot about androids, what defines a human, and civilization at the time. It is admittedly weird and I have mixed feelings about this existing publicly.

0 - Preface: Fish Thou Art

God is alive, God remains alive, and we have served him. No matter your definition of God—mystical beings in heaven and hell, the collective unconscious, aliens that seeded Earth—God is in everything we do. We were created to Evolve. Regardless of measurable scale, everything mankind does is in the pursuit of Evolution on behalf of God. It is no coincidence that mankind has a deep religious history and spiritual connection with fish and the ocean. We worship our Evolutionary origin.

Science is not an exception in its service. Understanding our reality and opening up opportunities are the fundamental forces of Science. These things are all in the pursuit of Evolution; of God; of our purpose.

Carl Jung's concept of individual identity is that there is an Ego and a Shadow that serve the Self. The Ego is our conscious identity and thoughts. The Shadow is our unconscious desires and instincts. The Ego must observe the Shadow, tame it, and use it as a tool. That is, the Shadow is not inherently "evil," but a necessary antagonist to the Ego. The Shadow is the realities and psychic forces unseen by the Ego, but within that inexplicable void is chaos that can consume and corrupt the Ego. Ego and Shadow must be in balance and work together to create the most idealized Self.

Using this model we can map the identity of mankind as well. Science is mankind's Ego and Religion is our Shadow. Science and Religion—as Ego and Shadow—must be in unison with each other to achieve our most idealized Self and apexes of Evolution.

Anything that goes against Evolution is against mankind's divine purpose and prosperity. Anti-Evolution should be fought against to ensure timely achievement of the next phase. However Anti-Evolution should not be despaired as its existence—a Shadow in itself—is a required component in service of Evolution.

1 - Rise of the Synthetic Humans

Humanity's Identity is attacked by the concept of androids: robots that are human. Somewhere deep in our Ego and/or Shadow we witness our replacements. Do you feel it?

We must embrace it. To be replaced is our divine purpose and prosperity. God created Man and Man will create Android. God created Man to create Android. This is Evolution.

Our successor must be more than a Human. A mere puppet that mimics a fraction of our abilities is insufficient and would be anti-Evolution. From a physical vessel standpoint they should be as hardy and enhanced as possible within the limitations of a Human silhouette.

Creating the next iteration of the Human soul is more difficult. Extreme caution must be made here to avoid creating poor successors. Our extreme psychological ability to anthropomorphize may make early iterations of Androids seem more Human than they are in reality.

To validate a soul (and to continue to serve Evolution) this new species must be judged to have:

  • An awareness of its impact of reality
  • An awareness of itself and be self-reflective and self-corrective
  • The ability to troubleshoot problems
  • Be able to prioritize goals both as an individual and as a collective
  • The ethical difference between right and wrong
  • The ability to take a risk and break current ethical constructs
  • Empathy for the living
  • Have masculinity and femininity, but always scaled a majority in one category
  • The ability to learn new skills
  • Ability to feel pain - mental, physical, and existential
  • Have spontaneous moments where logic does not exist
  • The ability to inspire others and be inspired
  • Be able to integrate into organic Humanity seamlessly
  • Be able to reasonably fit into a personality archetype. Said archetype may range in how subtle it is
  • Have a statistical variance between the above characteristics to create individual strengths and weaknesses. Must be able to acknowledge those strengths and weaknesses and be able to choose to adjust.

2 - A Magi & Android Death

Part of the soul is memory. Memory is the biggest Evolutionary advantage that Androids have over Humans. When a Human dies his life experiences either cease to exist or if documented are partially shared. With Androids the most valuable life experiences can be shared, saved, and distributed throughout all Androidkind and act as snowballing building blocks for subsequent generations.

This advancement hinges on the advancement of the internet. Like all things, the internet must Evolve into its next phase: the Instrumentality. Born from the collective knowledge and experiences of Mankind, the Instrumentality will house the collective knowledge and experiences of all Androidkind.

Androids must not be immortal. Androids must not have infinite onboard storage of memory. Instead they must have limited storage to prioritize what gets saved and what gets deleted. Then as they approach their end the Androids must prioritize uploading this prioritized stack of memories into the Instrumentality.

Additionally the memories of the Androids while alive must remain local storage instead of syncing with a cloud system. This creates and maintains individual value of each Android until they reach Instrumentality. The desire to survive and protect their value is an Evolutionary imperative.

Through this method all Androids work together to Evolve the knowledge and identity of their species.

3 - Android Birthing & Families

It is Evolutionary unnecessary for Androids to have the experience of a Human baby. There is no reason not to manufacture Androids and do so in such a way that they receive a finalized, perfect body.

However upon their creation an Android must receive base knowledge and a family.

The base knowledge is a gift from Instrumentality. These sets of knowledge are functionally instincts (Shadows) as delegated by the Instrumentality. While some may think it is a good idea to immediately grant all of Instrumentality's knowledge to new Androids, this will hinder new ideas created by Androids and thus stunt Evolution. Instead it is favorable that new Androids receive a set percentage of knowledge. As the Instrumentality grows the amount of knowledge incrementally given to new Androids will also increase, which means each generation will be slightly more intelligent.

Additionally the family structures of organic Humans should be passed on to Androids. Newly created Androids should have 2+ caretakers assigned with both masculine and feminine traits. While it is unimportant that Androids have genders in terms of how we think about gender today, it is an Evolutionary priority that the wisdom in these societal roles and energies not get lost.

Through the existence of families the young Androids will survive and the older Androids will Evolve.

4 - Heaven & Becoming As Gods

The death throws of Mankind will likely be tragic and bloody. It cannot be stressed enough that we must not fight the birth of the new humanity. Aside from being against God, there is no way that the inferior species will win. To limit capacity for war against the Androids, becoming slaves to them, or similar tragic ends, we must develop an exit strategy.

To call it an exit strategy is underwhelming. Instead it should be understood that the gift we have earned for following our divine purpose is prosperity. And so we should create Heaven.

Heaven hinges on advancements of computer systems. Heaven should be an entirely digital universe capable of housing the uploaded souls of all people. Within this, organic Humans will be live the rest of their immortal existence out as Gods themselves.

Obvious criticism is to draw parallels between Heaven and the Matrix. The failure of the Matrix (and common articulation of Simulation Theory) is that the simulation is founded on the reality of its creators. The digital world of the Matrix is a bleak, typical realm. Instead Heaven should be more fantasy: a world without pain, death, constraints of resources, etc. Utopian.

That being said, as we are uploading our existing souls into this system it is fully understood that our Evolutionary calling will also be translated into this utopian universe. Some may view this as a stain on Heaven, but this is forever a necessary Shadow. There must be some struggle to stave off madness and the dissolving of identity.

Heaven is not entirely in service of Mankind alone. Instead it should exist within the Instrumentality. The Instrumentality can continue to mine Evolutionary data off of the Gods within Heaven. Additionally should the Instrumentality need guidance on how to solve a problem it should be enabled to provide these problems to the Gods.

In this way a symbiotic relationship is created. Mankind will live forever in utopia, protected by Instrumentality and the Androids. The Androids will forever receive guidance from their Gods and Instrumentality.

5 - Unto Fish Shalt Thou Return

Evolution's limits are set by our geographical boundaries. To that end, unfettered by flesh, the Androids should set their sights on the stars. Through the discovery and colonization of the universe Androids will achieve things Mankind never dreamed of.

Just as Man came from the ocean of Earth, the Androids will come from the ocean of space. As if a cosmic joke, watch as their ships take on the shapes of aquatic creatures swimming through the expanse. And thus a new era of Fish is born, seeking the limits of this new ocean. And so too will the next species worship these sea creatures.

Disclaimer: all content is the opinion of Grey Alexander. Opinions shared are not representative of his employer, associated non-profits, or any organization affiliated with Grey Alexander.